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Dear Fellow Member,

Our Annual General Meeting (year 2017) will take place on Wednesday 27 June next at 15:30 at the University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11 rue d’Egmont, 1000 Brussels.

The Agenda is enclosed. All members are invited to attend, but only Full members have voting right.

As already announced it will be preceded by a lunch debate at 12:30 sharp. Registration at 12:00.

Guest speaker:

Kurt Vandenberghe

Director Policy Development and Coordination at European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation.

“A renewed agenda for European research and innovation: investing in shaping the future we want.”

Prior electronic registration and participation fee will be requested:
40 € for members. Student : 25€. Non-members: 48 €

With kind regards,

President & Executive
DirectorBoard Secretary
Pictures of last event

European Green Deal: The reaction from the Club of Rome