Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Approaches
The modern approach to research cuts across traditional boundaries. In order to obtain maximum benefit from research effort globally, Universities need to adapt their approaches to the management...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated economic recession and social/humanitarian emergency are intrinsically global issues that seriously impact efforts to advance the 2030 Agenda for...
This Article written by the CoR-EU Member Anne Snick deals with the question whether an answer to today’s crises can be proposed by the concept and science of ’sustainability’.
Les origines et le sens de l’article 7bis de la Constitution
Les auteurs pointent certains enjeux de toute révision éventuelle de l’article 7bis en éclairant ses origines et son sens. Ils souhaitent ainsi éclairer les acteurs susceptibles de procéder un jour...
Growth is a dominant economic driver accounting for the wealth of nations and organizations alike. However, in the face of environmental pressures, widespread social and economic imbalance, and the...
The planetary food production, although practiced since millennia, is quite complex. Holistic approaches are indispensable, however difficult to realize. Novel elements are used: the Köppen-Geiger...
Bernard Lietaer, author, financial expert, and co-designer of the ECU (the monetary mechanism that later became the euro) presented compelling arguments to show that there is a structural flaw in...