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103rd Aurelio Peccei Lecture & Dialogue
"From Farm to Fork”, Sustainable Food Systems and the EU Green Deal

Thursday 8 October 2020
from 17:00 to 19:30
by The Club of Rome-EU Chapter in honour of Raoul Weiler
Past event The Aurelio Peccei Lectures & Dialogues 103rd LECTURE

On October 8th, from 5 to 7:30 pm, the Club of Rome-EU Chapter, Agroecology Europe and IPES-Food organised an on-line conference on the future of the « From Farm to Fork » strategy announced by the European Commission on May 20th. The conference was attended by 180 participants. You can watch the presentations, the reactions from the EU Commission (DG Agri, Santé and Envi) and various stakeholders. This was a reference event for promoting a prompt and strong implementation of the strategy "From Farm to Fork » strategy « for a fair, healthy and environmentaly-friendly food system », which the current reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should be aligned with.

Like other consumption and production patterns, the current ‘conventional’ agricultural practices have been destroying our natural capital and most of the ecosystem services that it provides for free. A number of tipping points have already been reached or exceeded. The EU therefore urgently needed a ‘Green Deal’ as a global vision supported by a range of strategies closely aligned with one another, based on key principles : ‘do no harm’, polluter-pays, public money for public goods and services. 
We are delighted that the event of October 8th served to highlight the role of agroecology in supporting the shift to sustainable food systems as intended by the F2F strategy, and that it allowed to link the changes at the level of production with the evolution of consumption patterns. 

As President von der Leyen stated it so correctly on December 11,2019 (see «Our goal is to reconcile the economy with our planet, to reconcile the way we produce and consume with our planet and to make it work for our people…. The EU Green Deal is our strategy for growth that gives more back than it takes away. We owe it to our children,… now is time to act »

We are confident that further exchanges of factual information and dialogues between authorities, farmers, scientific actors, agro-industry and civil society contribute to the new participative governance we need to provide EU citizens with the food systems they are asking for. 
We therefore look forward to continued interaction to move forward together to achieve the objectives of the F2F strategy.

Pictures of last event

European Green Deal: The reaction from the Club of Rome